Platform Roles

User - Membership Roles

There are 3 roles that can be applied to a user's membership in a specific organization.

Role Capabilities
Owner Can access the organization administration portal to create users, courses, sessions, emails, etc. Crucially, owners can promote other student or administrator users to owner.
Administrator Can access the organization administration portal to create users, courses, sessions, emails, etc.
Student Can access the course catalog and other public/unlisted pages and any content they’re enrolled in.

User - Enrollment Roles

There are currently 6 roles that can be applied to a user's enrollment in a specific session of a course.

Role Capabilities
Guest Can read course materials and follow along in discussions and events, but cannot participate
Student Can read course materials, participate in discussions and events, but cannot create course materials
Course Facilitator Can do everything a student can do, but can also create course content, discussions, events, etc.
Course Administrator Can execute all functions in a course, but doesn’t have any meaningful distinction from a course facilitator at this point.
Guest Expert (NOT NORMALLY USED) This role is now defunct and likely does not work. We will depreciate and remove this role soon.
Course Content Editor (NOT NORMALLY USED) This role is now defunct and likely does not work. We will depreciate and remove this role soon.

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