Getting Started

In order to get your organization's platform up and running, we'll need to take care of a few quick steps.

  1. Select your domain name
  2. Send us any styling and theming information.
  3. Read the platform overview.
  4. Set up User Profiles (if applicable).

Select a Domain Name

Your domain name forms the base of your platform's Internet address. Your domain name almost always consists of a subdomain, which refers to your organization, fellowship, and project, followed by ""

For example, the domain name for an organization called "Example" might be "".

Your subdomain name must be all lowercase letters, numerals 0-9, and cannot contain special characters other than hyphens.

Share Theming Information

Share any branding information you may have, including high-resolution versions of your logo (preferably in .png or .eps), fonts, and colors.

Our platform can use any font included in the Google Fonts library. In most cases, your organization's web font will be part of this suite. In the rare case that your organization's font isn't a part of the Google Fonts library, we will do our best to match it.

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